From a rabbits point a view:
An interview with Bello Bunny.
How do I tell my owner I am are out of water:
Bello Bunny: Personally I hit the water bottle to make noise. If that doesn’t get their attention keep drink from empty bottle till she gets the message that it is empty…this will make your owner feel pathetic that you are dying of thirst. No follow that up with hitting the water bottle some more to make noise as they approach to refill the water bottle. Guaranteed for some good head rubs and some extra treats.
I have ran out of food and my owner is not in the same room…what now? How do I get their attention?
Bello Bunny: Well there is only one choice, make noise and throw your food dish around as loud as you can hit everything possible in your living space. Make sure it is followed up by a couple of angry stomps. Then, repeat by throwing the dish around some more. When your owner comes in to see what the commotion is, stand up and greet them so they know you are acknowledging them and then nudge your dish. They will immediately respond in filling your dish. If all else fails. Make enough noise to irritate the dog…it will whine and get owner to bring your empty dish to their attention.
I do not like that you scolded me and told me I could not chew on the cord:
Bello Bunny: This is my favorite. I love to back talk and get sassy back to my owner after they have corrected me. Best way to let them know you are rebelling is to run away quickly twitching your back tail from side to side. They will get the message that you understand you have been caught and don’t approve of their scolding.
How to join in the family fun and let them know you are happy:
Bello Bunny: This is easy. Simply do a helicopter. This will get their attention. It is a quick pop in the air followed by a 360 degree turn in mid air. Then hop off in a gentle almost poetic dance…followed by a little ballerina kick on back two legs. This gets them every time…you will have them “oooing” and “ahhhing.”
How to tell your owner that you need your litter cleaned:
Bello Bunny: I hate when my owner does that. Who wants to be in a dirty litter pan. I take great effort in keeping myself clean only to have to step in that dirty thing. Easy. Dump the litter pan. Pick it up from the back corner and start nudging it and grab it with your teeth and try to flip it. Toss out as much litter as you can and then dig in it. They will feel pathetic that they drove you to such distress. They will be most apologetic and promise to do better next time around. Always works.
I want to be pet and cuddled…how do I let me owner know?
Bello Bunny: Best way is to hop up to them when they are feeding you and put your head down near their hand. Don’t nudge just gently wait. When they see you are not jumping in our normal fashion at the food and asking for pets first they will see you really need some tender loving care and attention. Gets them every time
EEEKKK…I see a spider. How do I alert my owner that there is an intruder in the house?
Bello Bunny: One big Thump….pause. Another big Thump….pause. Followed by another big Thump. By the third one they should be up looking around to find out what it is that you are telling them is danger. Thumping is what we do in the wild to tell other rabbits when we sense danger. Owners know this it comes in their manuals…lol. I will also do this when I am scared. I usually throughout thumps during storms when it thunders. Once my owner scared me by turning on the cell phone for light in the middle of the night….didn’t know it at the time it looked like a glowing light floating across the room. So I thumped…scared my owner and they flipped on the light to see the problem. I saw it was just the phone in their hand and was ok.
My owner is in my living quarters cleaning my cage when I don’t want it touched.
Bello Bunny: My suggestion is to dart at them. Run from the other end of cage or room and stop quickly almost hitting their hand or cleaning brush. Next keep lunging forward with ears pointed back. If they still don’t get the message. Grab a hold of brush or paper towel they are cleaning with and toss it in the air or try eating it. This gets their attention quickly. Next follow that up with sitting on the litter pan or area they are trying to clean. Follow that up with playing tug-a-war with the dust pan. If all else fails dig on the dust pan and through it. Oh did I mention bite a whole in the bag they are using to cleaning your cage with. This will send them a way for sure then you can get back what they have stolen from you while they go to clean up your mess.
I have been in a shelter now for 3 months and quarters are cramped. I am lonely. I have been picked up and held a few times this month and no one wants to take me home. How can I help my chance getting adopted?
Bello Bunny: Well this worked for me. Be your loving self. Hop around them sniff and hop some more. Next notice who else is around. Usually the person comes with a driver or companion. It is that person you hop up to and investigate. Raise up on your hind legs so there is no missing the fact that you are looking at them. Then return to the interested party that is dying to hold you. Allow yourself to be held and cuddled. Next allow them to flip you over to admire your adorable tummy and huge feet. This gets them good. It is what they do to their own human children so it is close to their hearts. Next when you are put down return to the companion that is with them and check them out again. This is the keep to let the companion to feel connected. Most likely they are the decision makers. I have seen a lot of sad faces that did not take me home due to the fact that I did not bond with the companion.
I love being help by my owner. But they hold me too long and I don’t know how to tell them I need to use the litter pan.
Bello Bunny: Personally I use the litter pan as soon as I feel them getting closer to pick me up to be held. You can usually feel this coming. This will allow you more time with your owner and will prevent mistakes. If you are feeling the urge to use the litter pan simply dig on their leg or nip at their sleeve. Be gentle do not grab skin just tug at clothing. This will let them know you are not comfortable and what to get out down.
Help, my owner has been sleeping quite long. Not sure if they are sick. They are usually not home at this time of day. But they are still on the couch.
Bello Bunny: This calls for drastic measures you must make sure they are ok. Run and take a huge jump landing on their chest facing their mouth. See if they are breathing. Usually this will awaken them and they will know you care. You will find out what is
wrong…they will usually tell you.
Man my owner put up this baby gate so I could not go in the other room. Trying to find away out. Any suggestions:
Bello Bunny: Ah perfect baby gates. This is an easy solution. Most owners make the mistake of buying a small short baby gate that for a mini to normal size rabbit is easy to clear with a good running hop. If it happens to be too tall investigate. You might be able to fit through the vertical rails. If you are lucky to escape be sure to return when you hear them coming home. This will ensure more adventure time the next time they leave. But while you are out. Be sure not to leave behind droppings or chew on anything. These are dead give away to your escape and further measures will be taken to make sure you do not escape.
I am not feeling well. I think my owner has not been giving me the proper diet or it might be that carpet I ate earlier. How do I tell my owner I am sick.
Bello Bunny: Simply stretch out in a corner and lie still. Make Sure eye are half way closed. Fold your ears back. Stay still and every now an then switch positions to a rabbit hunch position which is looks more like you are a bunny slipper. Then switch back to being stretched out. It is important to look uncomfortable and let them see no matter how you sit you are not feeling well. When they come over to investigate grind your teeth. But do this in a different matter from the g rind you do when you are pleased and petting you. There is a difference and they will pick up on it. If you can, get them to read the stomach blockage section on this site. It does me wonders when my tummy is upset.
How do I let my owner know I love my cheeks and head being pet?
Bello Bunny: Simply relax. The relaxation will show in your face. Allow your ears to fall back and your feet and legs to be week. Fall into a deep bunny trance and ever so softly grind your teeth in a chattering motion when they hit your favorite spots.
I want to show my owner how much I love them
Bello Bunny: Greet them when they walk into the room. Stand on your back legs to look at them or simply approach them with your head down to be petted or held. When you choose them is the times they know they really are loved by you. Humans need to be needed.
An interview with Bello Bunny.
How do I tell my owner I am are out of water:
Bello Bunny: Personally I hit the water bottle to make noise. If that doesn’t get their attention keep drink from empty bottle till she gets the message that it is empty…this will make your owner feel pathetic that you are dying of thirst. No follow that up with hitting the water bottle some more to make noise as they approach to refill the water bottle. Guaranteed for some good head rubs and some extra treats.
I have ran out of food and my owner is not in the same room…what now? How do I get their attention?
Bello Bunny: Well there is only one choice, make noise and throw your food dish around as loud as you can hit everything possible in your living space. Make sure it is followed up by a couple of angry stomps. Then, repeat by throwing the dish around some more. When your owner comes in to see what the commotion is, stand up and greet them so they know you are acknowledging them and then nudge your dish. They will immediately respond in filling your dish. If all else fails. Make enough noise to irritate the dog…it will whine and get owner to bring your empty dish to their attention.
I do not like that you scolded me and told me I could not chew on the cord:
Bello Bunny: This is my favorite. I love to back talk and get sassy back to my owner after they have corrected me. Best way to let them know you are rebelling is to run away quickly twitching your back tail from side to side. They will get the message that you understand you have been caught and don’t approve of their scolding.
How to join in the family fun and let them know you are happy:
Bello Bunny: This is easy. Simply do a helicopter. This will get their attention. It is a quick pop in the air followed by a 360 degree turn in mid air. Then hop off in a gentle almost poetic dance…followed by a little ballerina kick on back two legs. This gets them every time…you will have them “oooing” and “ahhhing.”
How to tell your owner that you need your litter cleaned:
Bello Bunny: I hate when my owner does that. Who wants to be in a dirty litter pan. I take great effort in keeping myself clean only to have to step in that dirty thing. Easy. Dump the litter pan. Pick it up from the back corner and start nudging it and grab it with your teeth and try to flip it. Toss out as much litter as you can and then dig in it. They will feel pathetic that they drove you to such distress. They will be most apologetic and promise to do better next time around. Always works.
I want to be pet and cuddled…how do I let me owner know?
Bello Bunny: Best way is to hop up to them when they are feeding you and put your head down near their hand. Don’t nudge just gently wait. When they see you are not jumping in our normal fashion at the food and asking for pets first they will see you really need some tender loving care and attention. Gets them every time
EEEKKK…I see a spider. How do I alert my owner that there is an intruder in the house?
Bello Bunny: One big Thump….pause. Another big Thump….pause. Followed by another big Thump. By the third one they should be up looking around to find out what it is that you are telling them is danger. Thumping is what we do in the wild to tell other rabbits when we sense danger. Owners know this it comes in their manuals…lol. I will also do this when I am scared. I usually throughout thumps during storms when it thunders. Once my owner scared me by turning on the cell phone for light in the middle of the night….didn’t know it at the time it looked like a glowing light floating across the room. So I thumped…scared my owner and they flipped on the light to see the problem. I saw it was just the phone in their hand and was ok.
My owner is in my living quarters cleaning my cage when I don’t want it touched.
Bello Bunny: My suggestion is to dart at them. Run from the other end of cage or room and stop quickly almost hitting their hand or cleaning brush. Next keep lunging forward with ears pointed back. If they still don’t get the message. Grab a hold of brush or paper towel they are cleaning with and toss it in the air or try eating it. This gets their attention quickly. Next follow that up with sitting on the litter pan or area they are trying to clean. Follow that up with playing tug-a-war with the dust pan. If all else fails dig on the dust pan and through it. Oh did I mention bite a whole in the bag they are using to cleaning your cage with. This will send them a way for sure then you can get back what they have stolen from you while they go to clean up your mess.
I have been in a shelter now for 3 months and quarters are cramped. I am lonely. I have been picked up and held a few times this month and no one wants to take me home. How can I help my chance getting adopted?
Bello Bunny: Well this worked for me. Be your loving self. Hop around them sniff and hop some more. Next notice who else is around. Usually the person comes with a driver or companion. It is that person you hop up to and investigate. Raise up on your hind legs so there is no missing the fact that you are looking at them. Then return to the interested party that is dying to hold you. Allow yourself to be held and cuddled. Next allow them to flip you over to admire your adorable tummy and huge feet. This gets them good. It is what they do to their own human children so it is close to their hearts. Next when you are put down return to the companion that is with them and check them out again. This is the keep to let the companion to feel connected. Most likely they are the decision makers. I have seen a lot of sad faces that did not take me home due to the fact that I did not bond with the companion.
I love being help by my owner. But they hold me too long and I don’t know how to tell them I need to use the litter pan.
Bello Bunny: Personally I use the litter pan as soon as I feel them getting closer to pick me up to be held. You can usually feel this coming. This will allow you more time with your owner and will prevent mistakes. If you are feeling the urge to use the litter pan simply dig on their leg or nip at their sleeve. Be gentle do not grab skin just tug at clothing. This will let them know you are not comfortable and what to get out down.
Help, my owner has been sleeping quite long. Not sure if they are sick. They are usually not home at this time of day. But they are still on the couch.
Bello Bunny: This calls for drastic measures you must make sure they are ok. Run and take a huge jump landing on their chest facing their mouth. See if they are breathing. Usually this will awaken them and they will know you care. You will find out what is
wrong…they will usually tell you.
Man my owner put up this baby gate so I could not go in the other room. Trying to find away out. Any suggestions:
Bello Bunny: Ah perfect baby gates. This is an easy solution. Most owners make the mistake of buying a small short baby gate that for a mini to normal size rabbit is easy to clear with a good running hop. If it happens to be too tall investigate. You might be able to fit through the vertical rails. If you are lucky to escape be sure to return when you hear them coming home. This will ensure more adventure time the next time they leave. But while you are out. Be sure not to leave behind droppings or chew on anything. These are dead give away to your escape and further measures will be taken to make sure you do not escape.
I am not feeling well. I think my owner has not been giving me the proper diet or it might be that carpet I ate earlier. How do I tell my owner I am sick.
Bello Bunny: Simply stretch out in a corner and lie still. Make Sure eye are half way closed. Fold your ears back. Stay still and every now an then switch positions to a rabbit hunch position which is looks more like you are a bunny slipper. Then switch back to being stretched out. It is important to look uncomfortable and let them see no matter how you sit you are not feeling well. When they come over to investigate grind your teeth. But do this in a different matter from the g rind you do when you are pleased and petting you. There is a difference and they will pick up on it. If you can, get them to read the stomach blockage section on this site. It does me wonders when my tummy is upset.
How do I let my owner know I love my cheeks and head being pet?
Bello Bunny: Simply relax. The relaxation will show in your face. Allow your ears to fall back and your feet and legs to be week. Fall into a deep bunny trance and ever so softly grind your teeth in a chattering motion when they hit your favorite spots.
I want to show my owner how much I love them
Bello Bunny: Greet them when they walk into the room. Stand on your back legs to look at them or simply approach them with your head down to be petted or held. When you choose them is the times they know they really are loved by you. Humans need to be needed.
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